The 30 day BOOT CAMP MENTAL TOUGHNESS CHALLENGE is strictly about how to get the MENTAL TOUGHNESS it takes in life for you to GET TOUGH!
NOTE: Before starting any fitness plan, you should get a physical from your doctor.
You will have no choice but to GET MENTALLY TOUGH EVERY DAY regarding food choices, lifestyle habits, and training regimen.
NEWS FLASH: Life is more than about losing weight but losing weight requires both physical and mental discipline. If you’re only focusing on the physical aspects of this important health challenge, you’re bound to fail. Losing weight and keeping it off requires you to fight a very difficult psychological war between your desire to be healthy and your cravings for unhealthy foods.
The belief is that the only way to really lose and keep off weight is by making the brain look at weight loss as a part of every daily decision you make. “you’ll thank me for this”
Being mindful forces you to think about your hunger signals and the foods/drinks you’re consuming, as opposed to just picking up a bag of chips because you’re bored.
ALSO, There is no finish line when it comes to your health. You can’t lose 20 pounds and relax. Once you reach your goal, you must maintain. While physical activity and food choices certainly play a role in weight management, much of the battle is “psychological” in nature. Ive been around and I’ve witnessed this first hand during my 35 plus years in fitness! So, Never let your guard down!!
Now look, these fitness recommendations are basically a “choose your own adventure.” like the diet plan! That means some people might take it upon themselves to go HAM with burpees, cardio, strength, or workouts they’ve never tried before. Which, yeah, is super counter productive so not a very smart move! Make a better choice! Let’s hit the deck! Pick your poison!

Rambo Boot Camp Challenge
*Wake up and get out of bed at 5:30am and pray for someone. Guzzle 16 oz water every morning “before” getting out of bed
*Work out once a day for at least 60 minutes 6 days a week with 1 workout outdoors.
*Drink 4 liters of water every day
*Read 10 pages in a book. (must be positive, uplifting and learning material) no fluff
*Take progress photos naked once a week (for your eyes only)
*Perform a random act of kindness or talk to someone via text or phone call that is struggling and needs prayers.
*Do 200 push ups everyday. Break them up and do as many as you can throughout the day and keep a running total to reach that 200 mark. *These will be done in conjunction with daily workouts and if push ups are in the WOD they will be counted toward your 200.
*No alcohol
*No sugar
*No processed foods
*No fast food
*Shut down and relax with no TV no Ipad no cell phone and no music for 10-15 minutes a day.
*Compliment yourself

GI Jane Boot Camp Challenge
*Wake up at 5:30 and get out of the bed at 5:30am and pray for someone.
*Guzzle 16 oz of water every morning before you get out of bed and 4 liters of water per day
*Work out once a day for at least 60 minutes 5 days a week.
*Watch a FUNNY clean video every day
*Stretch for 20 minutes everyday
*Read 10 pages in a book (must be positive, uplifting and learning material) no fluff
*Take progress photos naked once a week (for your eyes only)
*Perform a random act of kindness or talk to someone via text or phone call that is struggling and unhappy.
*Do 100 pushups throughout the day. Keep a running tab on how many you do so you reach that 100 mark
*No Alcohol
*No sugar
*No processed foods
*No fast food
*Shut down and relax with no TV no Ipad no cell phone and no music for 10-15 minutes a day.
*Compliment yourself

Warrior Boot Camp Challenge
*Wake up at 5:30am every morning and pray for someone. Then, Guzzle 16oz. water every morning before you get out of bed and 4 liters of water per day
*Work out once a day for at least 30-45 minutes 4-5 days a week.
*Watch a FUNNY clean video every day or something to make you laugh HARD
*Take progress photos naked once a week (for your eyes only)
*Read 10 pages in a book (must be positive, uplifting and learning material) no fluff
*Perform a random act of kindness or talk to someone via text or phone call that is struggling and unhappy.
*Do 50 pushups throughout the day and keep a running tab on how many you do so you reach that 50 mark
*No Alcohol
*No sugar
*No processed foods
*No fast food
*Shut down and relax with no TV no Ipad no cell phone and no music for 10-15 minutes a day.
*Compliment yourself

Barbie Boot Camp Challenge
*Wake up at least by 10am am every morning and pray for someone. Then, Guzzle 16oz. water every morning before you get out of bed and 4 liters of water per day
*Work out for 20 minutes 3-4 days a week.
*Watch a FUNNY clean video every day or something to make you laugh HARD
*Take progress photos naked once a week (for your eyes only)
*Read 10 *pages in a book (must be positive, uplifting and learning material) no fluff
*Perform a random act of kindness or talk to someone via text or phone call that is struggling and unhappy.
*Do 10 pushups throughout the day and keep a running tab on how many you do so you reach that 50 mark
*No Alcohol
*No sugar
*No processed foods
*No fast food
*Shut down and relax with no TV no Ipad no cell phone and no music for 10-15 minutes a day.
*Compliment yourself