Hello everyone, welcome to my website. If this our first time meeting, my name is Debbie Crall, Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise and Aging Specialist. My main focus here is educate and inspire the aging adult on how to live a more productive life so you function better through recreational activities and daily tasks. My education comes from National Academy of Sports Medicine, AFAA and other accredited agencies.
The fitness bug bit me HARD in 1981 and my whole life changed! I was a stay at home cigarette smoking, soap opera watching, dr pepper drinking, junk food eating mom with 3 small kids who were watching this type of lifestyle! YIKES! Eventually I made a commitment to fitness right there at home in my living room doing Joanie Greggains and Bess Mota workouts on TV at 5am every.single.morning. These two ladies were the two top fitness gurus on TV who were killin’ it on the fitness scene. I became not only committed but addicted to those 5am workouts and anything else involving physical fitness. Things were changing. I had more energy. I was sleeping better, I felt stronger, I was learning how to not only feed myself but my family. I was just happier. I went from that cigarette smoking, soap opera watching, dr pepper drinking, junk food eating mom to aerobic instructor to an award winning aerobic competitor to award winning competitive bodybuilder to Certified Personal Trainer to Fitness Model to Studio owner to mud runner, to rock climber to 5ks, to American Ninja Warrior training to, motivational speaker to published author.
I share my journey in my book, “Go Ask Debbie” along with motivational tips, diets, food labels, gimmicks & fads, weight training myths and much more.
GRAB A COPY HERE: https://dcrallfitness.com/my-book/
As you navigate through my website I pray that you become educated and motivated to know there is light at the end of the tunnel. THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE!